Saturday, April 12, 2008

Non Violent Rape = Being Forcefed Chocolate Cake

Nick Erikson who was to stand for election to the London Assembly representing the British National Party wrote in his notorious rightwing blog:

"I’ve never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime.

Rape is simply sex (I am talking about 'husband-rape' here, for those who deliberately seek to misunderstand me). Women enjoy sex, so this type of 'rape' cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched. ... Again, for those who are seeking to cause trouble by deliberately misunderstanding me: yes, violent rape by a stranger in the street is a terrible crime, but I am not talking about that -- I am talking about 'husband-rape'.

The demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors."

This is what the same politician had to say about domestic violence:

"Take domestic violence for instance. The truth is that Home Office figures have shown that there is an equal amount of violence perpetrated by men and by women, but the feminist media keep repeating the myth that virtually all domestic violence is men attacking women. The Sun has recently launched a campaign against domestic violence - just another excuse by its female editrix, Rebekah Kemp (nee Wade), to vilify men.

But now the full ugliness of Rebekah's misandry has - it seems - been revealed. She has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting her husband (the actor Ross Kemp)! Eventually released without charge - remember that the police are also committed to the feminist agenda - Rebekah has been keeping very quiet about this incident. It was Noel Coward who said that "some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly". It would seem that the editor of the Sun fits this description perfectly! Come on Ross, let's see if you're as tough as your on-screen persona - give your wife a good slap!

As an aside, unprovoked male violence against females is, in fact, extremely rare. The vast majority of domestic disputes are initiated by the woman. What often then happens is that the man defends himself and the woman, being generally smaller and weaker, comes off worst. She then calls the police and the man is arrested and convicted, even though he is the innocent party who was merely acting in self-defence!"

I don't even know how to respond to this.


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