Saturday, April 12, 2008


Here’s an article about immigrant women which is also a case of plagiarism that has been called out by Sylvia in a way I’ve never seen before. Apparently, the author of the article appropriated almost all her ideas from someone else.

If you ever want to despair of the human condition, Google the term “IMBRA” — the vast majority of the results returned are authored by men outraged at these entirely reasonable measures that keep men from beating their immigrant wives and using green cards as leverage to perpetuate the violence. Strangely, few of these websites argue that men should be given the direct right to beat women, but it’s hard to imagine what other worldview they could be operating under, when they think that it should be perfectly legal for a man to threaten his wife with deportation if she leaves him after a round of beating. If you are under the incorrect impression that sexism is dead and feminism isn’t needed anymore, I recommend listening to the howls of men who think the government owes them the right to treat immigrant women like a population available for their punching bag and sexual assault needs. That goes double for you if you’ve ever sneered at the term “intersections of oppression,” because I can’t think of a better example myself.

Sylvia says that all original ideas in this excerpt from an article called ‘Sexual Abuse Fueled by Abusive Immigration Language‘ remain unlinked. She’s given the same treatment to the whole article in her blog.

I’d never heard of IMBRA so I googled the term. It turns out that it’s the ‘International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act’ — a federal Act which became law along with VAWA in 2006 and is designed to protect non-American women from American men by requiring men’s backgrounds to be disclosed to women whom they approach through paid international marriage brokers.

Source: Problem Chylde: Nerdy but Mighty (and Still Learning)

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