Saturday, January 28, 2006

Women in the Mirror of Indian Languages

I just read this article by Basanti Devi which says some interesting things but which left me stunned by also saying, "The status of women in Assamese society is not as low as in many other states. Violence against women is not known," in spite of listing Assamese proverbs which say:
  • A stone keeps a knife in good form and beating keeps a woman in good form.
  • It is the same whether a daughter is taken away by Yama ( the Hindu god of Death) or by son-in-law.

Other Indian proverbs about women mentioned in the article include:

  • A lucky man's wife dies and an unlucky man's cow dies. (Bengali)
  • Rearing a woman is same as rearing a hen in a Muslim's house. (Bengali)
  • A woman's intellect lies below the knee. (Kannada)
  • Daal is good when pounded and as is a girl when under pressure. (Marathi)
  • There is no difference between a buffalo urinating and a woman weeping. (Punjabi)
  • If the wife dies, it is a blow on the ankle, if the husband dies it is a blow on the head. (Punjabi)


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Types of Marriage

1. Brahma : The gift of a daughter wearing jewellery to a Brahmin whom the bride's father invites

2. Daiva : The gift of a daughter wearing jewellery to a priest who duly officiates at a sacrifice while the sacrifice is in progress

3. Arsha : The father gave away his daughter after receiving a cow and a bull or two pairs of cows from the bridegroom.

4. Prajapatya : A contract was signed with the husband and the bride's father said, "You two shall now practice your householders' duties together."

5. Asura : The bridegroom received a maiden after giving as much money as he could afford to the kinsmen of the bride and to the bride herself.

6. Gandharva : The voluntary union of a woman and her lover

7. Rakshasa : The forcible abduction of a maiden from her home

8. Paishacha : A man stealthily seduced a sleeping, intoxicated or mentally disordered girl and later married her